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Our Team

As advocates of community, we know that it takes a village to run a group like Sounds Joyful! Just as our sessions embrace and celebrate diversity, so does our team.  Every person on our team represents a different aspect of our group and supports decision making at every level. This client-centred approach means that we are able to continually refine and deliver our services according to client need. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to improve the lives of people living with dementia and their families by creating opportunities to experience  joy, connection and community through inclusive music making sessions. 


We are a research and development hub. We are committed to understanding more about how an inclusive approach to music making enhances the experience for those living with dementia as well as the whole community. Through our research, we aim to design and develop resources which can be used by other practitioners to improve the delivery of dementia music services across the UK and beyond.

Contact Jo: 07711 006 691

Contact Emma: 07746 299 348

SOUNDS JOYFUL CIC is a Community Interest Company  registered with

Companies House:  15643410

Registered Business Address:

9 Drake Road, Wells, BA5 3JX


Session Address: 

St John's Hub, 3 Church Lane, Glastonbury,

Somerset, BA6 9JQ

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